How to Spot Signs of Pain in Your Pet?

As a tactic for survival, every dog is good at hiding the signs of pain, or at least they try to carry on as if nothing has happened. However, no dog parent wants their beloved furry pal to suffer in silence. The inability for them to be able to tell us what hurts where makes it difficult for pet parents to spot signs of pain. Various issues can cause extreme pain and discomfort to your pet, which sometimes goes unnoticed as owners remain oblivious to the fact that their furry best friend is in pain. That's why we have curated this blog so that you can learn the signs that tell your dog is in pain and buy wholesale dog product for them. 

What causes pain in dogs?

Generally, the two main types of pain are acute and chronic. Where sharp pains are temporary and periodic, sometimes occurring due to some injury or illness, chronic pains go on for a more extended amount of time and may take a while to heal. Arthritis and dental diseases can cause chronic pains. These problems may lead to inflammation which can cause mild to severe pain in dogs. 

Signs to tell your dog is in pain

1. They have become antisocial or aggressive

If your dog seems to be behaving more unusually than he regularly does, you should treat it like a red flag. If he normally is friendly but has become antisocial lately, there must be something wrong with his health. If you find a noticeable change in his behaviour, you should check for further signs and look for suitable wholesale dog products. 

2. Changes in sleeping and eating patterns

Pain can make your dog sleep more as their response to the issue. They will try to heal themselves by laying in the same position as it may get difficult for them to move around or be active. They also lose their appetite and drink less water when they're struggling with pain. If they are having difficulty in eating, especially dried or chewy foods and treats, this may be a sign of dental pain and issues. 

3. Heavy panting or difficulty breathing

Dogs pant a lot normally; however, if they're panting heavily even when they're just sitting and not exercising or doing any activity which might get their heart rate up, is a cause of concern. Also, if they're taking shallow breaths that may mean that they're having trouble breathing and might be in severe pain. 

4. Mobility issues

On the more obvious side, if you notice walking with a limp or being stiff, it is a sure sign of them being in pain. Stiffness or limping can be a result of injury, sore paws or sometimes even arthritis. If your dog is reluctant to climb up and down stairs and even when they do, they're noticeably slow, this might be due to some underlying issues. 

5. Signs of agitation

In dogs, restlessness is an indicator of pain; if your dog paces back and forth repeatedly, has difficulty getting comfortable, or sleeps a lot less than usual, he may be agitated and in discomfort. Some wholesale dog products may help soothe their pain. 

Final Words

Your dog is dependent on you for all their needs and they cannot voice their issues and problems to you. So it is your responsibility to ensure that they're physically and mentally well and fit. If you notice any of these signs, take them to see a vet immediately and do not ignore these signs as they may snowball into something major later. Check out wholesale dog products by Marnoch pet supplies and pamper your furry buddy with the quality they deserve.   


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